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Distant Reiki Healing

Distance Reiki Healing:

It is hard for first-timers and skeptics, but it’s completely possible to experience Reiki’s beneficial effects without being in the same physical space as the practitioner.

Thought is energy.  When we focus our intent, we are sending that energy out to that particular person or situation.  Distance Reiki can send to anyone, any time, and anywhere.  There is no time or space limitation, we can send healing energy into the past or future.  To heal childhood trauma(s) or past wound(s)


When I am performing Distance Reiki on someone who is not present, I would tune into the recipient’s energy field by focusing, intent, and highest will, I ask Archangel Michael, the recipient’s spirit guide(s), angel(s), ancestors, and whoever loves to assistance the distance healing processes from the highest realm, for the highest good of all. 


I would usually picks up messages, images, sounds, or pains/uncomforted in my body.   I would share the information(s) to my client after the long distance session.  While speaking on the phone, I would sometimes send out Reiki if my guides tell me to. 


Distance Reiki Healing only:  $45.00 15 minutes

Distance Reiki Healing with messages, insight, or guidance:  $90.00 45 minutes





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